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apt-get installしたいときにそもそも該当パッケージがあるか知りたいケースがある。

$ sudo aptitude search php
$ aptitude show cakephp
Package: cakephp                         
State: installed
Automatically installed: no
Version: 1.3.15-1
Priority: optional
Section: universe/web
Maintainer: Ubuntu Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com>
Architecture: all
Uncompressed Size: 7,018 k
Depends: php5
Recommends: cakephp-scripts
Suggests: cakephp-instaweb, php5-mysql
Conflicts: cakephp1.2
Replaces: cakephp1.2
Description: MVC rapid application development framework for PHP
 CakePHP is a flexible model-view-controller rapid application development framework for PHP inspired by Ruby on Rails. 
 CakePHP makes developing applications swiftly and with the least amount of hassle: 
 * compatibility with PHP4 and PHP5 
 * integrated CRUD for database interaction and simplified queries including scaffolding 
 * request dispatcher with good looking, custom URLs 
 * fast and flexible templating (PHP syntax, with helpers) 
 * useful core features (access control lists, AJAX integration, etc.) 
 * works from any website subdirectory
Homepage: http://www.cakephp.org/


$ aptitude help
 install      - Install/upgrade packages.
 remove       - Remove packages.
 purge        - Remove packages and their configuration files.
 hold         - Place packages on hold.
 unhold       - Cancel a hold command for a package.
 markauto     - Mark packages as having been automatically installed.
 unmarkauto   - Mark packages as having been manually installed.
 forbid-version - Forbid aptitude from upgrading to a specific package version.
 update       - Download lists of new/upgradable packages.
 safe-upgrade - Perform a safe upgrade.
 full-upgrade - Perform an upgrade, possibly installing and removing packages.
 build-dep    - Install the build-dependencies of packages.
 forget-new   - Forget what packages are "new".
 search       - Search for a package by name and/or expression.
 show         - Display detailed information about a package.
 versions     - Displays the versions of specified packages.
 clean        - Erase downloaded package files.
 autoclean    - Erase old downloaded package files.
 changelog    - View a package's changelog.
 download     - Download the .deb file for a package.
 reinstall    - Download and (possibly) reinstall a currently installed package.
 why          - Show the manually installed packages that require a package, or
                why one or more packages would require the given package.
 why-not      - Show the manually installed packages that lead to a conflict
                with the given package, or why one or more packages would
                lead to a conflict with the given package if installed.