adb shell screenrecord [options] <filename>
$adb shell screenrecord --help sage: screenrecord [options] <filename> ecords the device's display to a .mp4 file. ptions: -size WIDTHxHEIGHT Set the video size, e.g. "1280x720". Default is the device's main display resolution (if supported), 1280x720 if not. For best results, use a size supported by the AVC encoder. -bit-rate RATE Set the video bit rate, in megabits per second. Default 4Mbps. -time-limit TIME Set the maximum recording time, in seconds. Default / maximum is 180. -rotate Rotate the output 90 degrees. -verbose Display interesting information on stdout. -help Show this message. ecording continues until Ctrl-C is hit or the time limit is reached.
adb shell screenrecord </sdcard/movide/sample.mp4>
adb shell dumpsys procstats [パッケージ名]
adb shell dumpsys procstats com.android.chrome
$adb shell ls /system/bin adb am app_process applypatch atrace bdAddrLoader bmgr bootanimation bridgemgrd bu bugreport cat chcon chmod chown clatd clear cmp content cp dalvikvm date dd debuggerd dex2oat dexopt df dhcpcd diag_klog diag_mdlog dmesg dnsmasq drmserver ds_fmc_appd du dumpstate dumpsys e2fsck fsck_msdos getenforce getevent getprop getsebool grep gzip hd hostapd id ifconfig iftop ime input insmod installd ioctl ionice ip ip6tables iptables irsc_util keystore kill linker ln load_policy log logcat logwrapper ls lsmod lsof make_ext4fs md5 mdnsd media mediaserver mkdir mksh mkswap mm-jpeg-interface-test mm-qcamera-app mm-qcamera-daemon monkey mount mpdecision mtpd mv nandread ndc netcfg netd netmgrd netstat newfs_msdos nl_listener notify oatdump ping ping6 pm port-bridge pppd printenv ps qmuxd qseecomd racoon radish readlink reboot renice requestsync restorecon rild rm rmdir rmmod rmt_storage route run-as runcon schedtest schedtop screencap screenrecord screenshot sdcard sendevent sensors.qcom sensorservice service servicemanager setconsole setenforce setprop setsebool settings sh sleep smd start stop subsystem_ramdump surfaceflinger svc swapoff swapon sync tc thermal-engine-hh time_daemon toolbox top touch uiautomator umount uptime usbhub usbhub_init vdc vmstat vold watchprops wipe wm wpa_supplicant